begin comment guess.a60 - guessing game in Algol 60 This is written to demonstrate this language versus the same program written in other languages. NOTE: This is one of many variants of Algol 60. 16-Oct-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this. ; integer answer, num, guess; num := 0; outstring (1,"guess.a60 - Guess a number between 1 and 100\n\n"); comment ### Generate random number ; answer := rand * 99 + 1; comment ### Play game ; loop: num := num + 1; outstring (1, "Enter guess"); outinteger (1, num); outstring (1, ": "); inreal (0, guess); if guess < answer then outstring (1, "Higher...\n"); if guess > answer then outstring (1, "Lower...\n"); if guess notequal answer then goto loop; outstring (1, "Correct! That took"); outinteger (1, num); outstring (1, "guesses.\n\n"); comment ### Save high score ; comment I've yet to figure out file I/O in Algol 60... Perhaps files hadn't been invented yet? ; comment ### Print high scores ; end