BPF, Tracing and more
Video: for 2017 (LCA2017) by Brendan Gregg, about Linux enhanced BPF (eBPF).
Description: "A world of new capabilities is emerging for the Linux 4.x series, thanks to enhancements that have been included in Linux for to Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF): an in-kernel virtual machine that can execute user space-defined programs. It is finding uses for security auditing and enforcement, enhancing networking (including eXpress Data Path), and performance observability and troubleshooting. Many new open source tools that have been written in the past 12 months for performance analysis that use BPF. Tracing superpowers have finally arrived for Linux!
For its use with tracing, BPF provides the programmable capabilities to the existing tracing frameworks: kprobes, uprobes, and tracepoints. In particular, BPF allows timestamps to be recorded and compared from custom events, allowing latency to be studied in many new places: kernel and application internals. It also allows data to be efficiently summarized in-kernel, including as histograms. This has allowed dozens of new observability tools to be developed so far, including measuring latency distributions for file system I/O and run queue latency, printing details of storage device I/O and TCP retransmits, investigating blocked stack traces and memory leaks, and a whole lot more.
This talk will summarize BPF capabilities and use cases so far, and then focus on its use to enhance Linux tracing, especially with the open source bcc collection. bcc includes BPF versions of old classics, and many new tools, including execsnoop, opensnoop, funcccount, ext4slower, and more (many of which I developed). Perhaps you'd like to develop new tools, or use the existing tools to find performance wins large and small, especially when instrumenting areas that previously had zero visibility. I'll also summarize how we intend to use these new capabilities to enhance systems analysis at Netflix."
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PDF: LCA2017_BPF_tracing_and_more.pdf
Keywords (from pdftotext):
slide 1:
BPF: Tracing and More Brendan Gregg Senior Performance Architectslide 2:
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slide 4:
Ye Olde BPF Berkeley Packet Filter # tcpdump host and port 22 -d (000) ldh [12] (001) jeq #0x800 jt 2 jf 18 (002) ld [26] (003) jeq #0x7f000001 jt 6 jf 4 (004) ld [30] (005) jeq #0x7f000001 jt 6 jf 18 (006) ldb [23] (007) jeq #0x84 jt 10 jf 8 (008) jeq #0x6 jt 10 jf 9 (009) jeq #0x11 jt 10 jf 18 (010) ldh [20] (011) jset #0x1fff jt 18 jf 12 (012) ldxb 4*([14]&0xf) [...] Optimizes tcpdump filter performance An in-kernel sandboxed virtual machineslide 5:
Enhanced BPF also known as just "BPF" User-Defined BPF Programs Kernel SDN Configura9on Run9me Event Targets DDoS Mi9ga9on verifier sockets Intrusion Detec9on kprobes BPF Container Security Observability uprobes tracepoints BPF ac>gt;onsslide 6:
Demoslide 7:
XDP eXpress Data Path Applica9on Kernel fast drop BPF program receive TCP/IP stack forward Linux 4.8+ Network Device Driversslide 8:
Intrusion Detec>gt;on BPF Security Module 24x7 Audi9ng Daemon event configura>gt;on BPF bytecode Kernel verifier low-frequency events new TCP sessions new UDP sessions BPF non-TCP/UDP events privilege escala>gt;on per-event log maps capability usage new processesslide 9:
Container Security Networking & security policy enforcement Container Kernel BPF Container BPF BPF Network Interface hUps:// 10:
Observability Performance Analysis & Debugging Observability Program instrumenta>gt;on configura>gt;on BPF bytecode output Kernel verifier tracepoints BPF per-event data sta>gt;s>gt;cs sta>gt;c tracing dynamic tracing kprobes maps uprobes hUps:// 11:
Wielding Superpowers WHAT DYNAMIC TRACING CAN DOslide 12:
Previously • Metrics were vendor chosen, closed source, and incomplete • The art of inference & making do # ps alx F S UID 3 S 1 S 1 S […] PID PPID CPU PRI NICE 0 30 0 30 ADDR WCHAN TTY TIME CMD 4412 ? 186:14 swapper 46520 ? 0:00 /etc/init 46554 co 0:00 –shslide 13:
Crystal Ball Observability Dynamic Tracingslide 14:
Linux Event Sourcesslide 15:
Event Tracing Efficiency Eg, tracing TCP retransmits Kernel Old way: packet capture tcpdump Analyzer 1. read 2. dump buffer 1. read 2. process 3. print file system send receive disks New way: dynamic tracing Tracer 1. configure 2. read tcp_retransmit_skb()slide 16:
New CLI Tools # biolatency Tracing block device I/O... Hit Ctrl-C to end. usecs : count distribution 4 ->gt; 7 : 0 8 ->gt; 15 : 0 16 ->gt; 31 : 0 32 ->gt; 63 : 0 64 ->gt; 127 : 1 128 ->gt; 255 : 12 |******** 256 ->gt; 511 : 15 |********** 512 ->gt; 1023 : 43 |******************************* 1024 ->gt; 2047 : 52 |**************************************| 2048 ->gt; 4095 : 47 |********************************** 4096 ->gt; 8191 : 52 |**************************************| 8192 ->gt; 16383 : 36 |************************** 16384 ->gt; 32767 : 15 |********** 32768 ->gt; 65535 : 2 65536 ->gt; 131071 : 2slide 17:
New Visualiza>gt;ons and GUIsslide 18:
Neelix Intended Usage Self-service UI: Flame Graphs Tracing Reports should be open sourced; you may also build/buy your ownslide 19:
Conquer Performance Measure anythingslide 20:
Introducing enhanced BPF BPF TRACINGslide 21:
A Linux Tracing Timeline 1990’s: Sta>gt;c tracers, prototype dynamic tracers 2000: LTT + DProbes (dynamic tracing; not integrated) 2004: kprobes (2.6.9) 2005: DTrace (not Linux), SystemTap (out-of-tree) 2008: lrace (2.6.27) 2009: perf (2.6.31) 2009: tracepoints (2.6.32) 2010-2016: lrace & perf_events enhancements 2014-2016: BPF patches also: LTTng, ktap, sysdig, ...slide 22:
BPF Enhancements by Linux Version 3.18: bpf syscall 3.19: sockets 4.1: kprobes 4.4: bpf_perf_event_output 4.6: stack traces 4.7: tracepoints 4.9: profiling eg, Ubuntu:slide 23:
Enhanced BPF is in Linuxslide 24:
BPF • aka eBPF == enhanced Berkeley Packet Filter – Lead developer: Alexei Starovoitov (Facebook) • Many uses – Virtual networking – Security – Programma>gt;c tracing • Different front-ends – C, perf, bcc, ply, … BPF mascotslide 25:
BPF for Tracing User Program Kernel 1. generate verifier kprobes BPF bytecode perevent data BPF 2. load tracepoints 3. perf_output sta>gt;s>gt;cs uprobes 3. async read mapsslide 26:
Raw BPF samples/bpf/sock_example.c 87 lines truncatedslide 27:
C/BPF samples/bpf/tracex1_kern.c 58 lines truncatedslide 28:
bcc • BPF Compiler Collec>gt;on Tracing layers: – hUps:// – Lead developer: Brenden Blanco bcc tool • Includes tracing tools • Front-ends: – Python – Lua – C++ – C helper libraries – golang (gobpf) bcc tool bcc Python user kernel lua front-ends Kernel Events BPFslide 29:
bcc/BPF bcc examples/tracing/ en9re programslide 30:
ply/BPF hUps:// en9re programslide 31:
The Tracing Landscape, Jan 2017 (less brutal) (my opinion) dtrace4L. Ease of use sysdig (brutal) ktap perf LTTng lrace (alpha) ply/BPF (mature) stap bcc/BPF C/BPF Stage of Development Raw BPF Scope & Capabilityslide 32:
State of BPF, Jan 2017 Dynamic tracing, kernel-level (BPF support for kprobes) Dynamic tracing, user-level (BPF support for uprobes) Sta>gt;c tracing, kernel-level (BPF support for tracepoints) Timed sampling events (BPF with perf_event_open) PMC events (BPF with perf_event_open) Filtering (via BPF programs) Debug output (bpf_trace_printk()) Per-event output (bpf_perf_event_output()) Basic variables (global & per-thread variables, via BPF maps) Associa>gt;ve arrays (via BPF maps) Frequency coun>gt;ng (via BPF maps) Histograms (power-of-2, linear, and custom, via BPF maps) Timestamps and >gt;me deltas (bpf_k>gt;me_get_() and BPF) Stack traces, kernel (BPF stackmap) Stack traces, user (BPF stackmap) Overwrite ring buffers String factory (stringmap) Op>gt;onal: bounded loops,slide 33:gt;c tracing, user-level (USDT probes via uprobes) Sta>gt;c tracing, dynamic USDT (needs library support) Debug output (Python with BPF.trace_pipe() and BPF.trace_fields()) Per-event output (BPF_PERF_OUTPUT macro and BPF.open_perf_buffer()) Interval output (BPF.get_table() and table.clear()) Histogram prin>gt;ng (table.print_log2_hist()) C struct naviga>gt;on, kernel-level (maps to bpf_probe_read()) Symbol resolu>gt;on, kernel-level (ksym(), ksymaddr()) Symbol resolu>gt;on, user-level (usymaddr()) BPF tracepoint support (via TRACEPOINT_PROBE) BPF stack trace support (incl. walk method for stack frames) Examples (under /examples) Many tools (/tools) Tutorials (/docs/tutorial*.md) Reference guide (/docs/ Open issues: (hUps://
For end-users HOW TO USE BCC/BPFslide 34:
Installa>gt;on hUps:// • eg, Ubuntu Xenial: # echo "deb [trusted=yes] xenial-nightly main" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/iovisor.list # sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get install bcc-tools – puts tools in /usr/share/bcc/tools, and tools/old for older kernels – 16.04 is good, 16.10 beUer: more tools work – bcc should also arrive as an official Ubuntu snapslide 35:
Linux Perf Analysis in 60s 1. uptime 2. dmesg | tail 3. vmstat 1 4. mpstat -P ALL 1 5. pidstat 1 6. iostat -xz 1 7. free -m 8. sar -n DEV 1 9. sar -n TCP,ETCP 1 10. top hUp:// 36:
perf-tools (lrace)slide 37:
bcc Tracing Toolsslide 38:
bcc General Performance Checklist execsnoop opensnoop ext4slower (…) biolatency biosnoop cachestat tcpconnect tcpaccept tcpretrans gethostlatency runqlat profileslide 39:
1. execsnoop # execsnoop PCOMM bash preconv man man man nroff nroff groff groff […] PID RET ARGS 0 /usr/bin/man ls 0 /usr/bin/preconv -e UTF-8 0 /usr/bin/tbl 0 /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -rLL=169n -rLT=169n -Tutf8 0 /usr/bin/pager -s 0 /usr/bin/locale charmap 0 /usr/bin/groff -mtty-char -Tutf8 -mandoc -rLL=169n -rLT=169n 0 /usr/bin/troff -mtty-char -mandoc -rLL=169n -rLT=169n -Tutf8 0 /usr/bin/grottyslide 40:
2. opensnoop # opensnoop PID COMM 27159 redis-server redis-server 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd 30668 sshd snmp-pass […] FD ERR PATH 0 /apps/tomcat8/bin/ 0 /proc/4057/stat 0 /proc/2360/stat 0 /proc/sys/kernel/ngroups_max 0 /etc/group 0 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 0 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys 2 /var/run/nologin 2 /etc/nologin 0 /etc/login.defs 0 /etc/passwd 0 /etc/shadow 0 /etc/localtime 0 /proc/cpuinfoslide 41:
3. ext4slower # ext4slower 1 Tracing ext4 operations slower than 1 ms TIME COMM PID T BYTES OFF_KB 06:49:17 bash R 128 06:49:17 cksum R 39552 06:49:17 cksum R 96 06:49:17 cksum R 96 06:49:17 cksum R 10320 06:49:17 cksum R 65536 06:49:17 cksum R 55400 06:49:17 cksum R 36792 06:49:17 cksum R 15008 06:49:17 cksum R 6123 06:49:17 cksum R 6280 06:49:17 cksum R 27696 06:49:17 cksum R 58080 […] LAT(ms) FILENAME 7.75 cksum 1.34 [ 5.36 2to3-2.7 14.94 2to3-3.4 6.82 411toppm 4.01 a2p 8.77 ab 16.34 aclocal-1.14 19.31 acpi_listen 17.23 add-apt-repository 18.40 addpart 2.16 addr2line 10.11 ag also: btrfsslower, xfsslower, zfslowerslide 42:
4. biolatency # biolatency -mT 1 Tracing block device I/O... Hit Ctrl-C to end. 06:20:16 msecs 0 ->gt; 1 2 ->gt; 3 4 ->gt; 7 8 ->gt; 15 16 ->gt; 31 32 ->gt; 63 64 ->gt; 127 […] : count : 36 : 1 : 3 : 17 : 33 : 7 : 6 distribution |**************************************| |*** |***************** |********************************** |******* |******slide 43:
5. biosnoop # biosnoop TIME(s) […] COMM supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise supervise xfsaild/md0 xfsaild/md0 xfsaild/md0 xfsaild/md0 kworker/0:3 supervise PID DISK xvda1 xvda1 xvda1 xvda1 xvda1 xvda1 xvda1 xvda1 xvdc xvdb xvdb xvdb xvdb xvda1 SECTOR BYTES LAT(ms)slide 44:
6. cachestat # cachestat HITS MISSES […] DIRTIES READ_HIT% WRITE_HIT% 80.4% 19.6% 96.2% 3.7% 89.6% 10.4% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 55.2% 4.5% 100.0% 0.0% 99.9% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% BUFFERS_MB CACHED_MBslide 45:
7. tcpconnect # tcpconnect PID COMM IP SADDR DADDR DPORT 25333 recordProgra 4 25338 curl 4 25340 curl 4 25342 curl 4 25344 curl 4 25365 recordProgra 4 26119 ssh 6 ::1 ::1 25388 recordProgra 4 25220 ssh 6 fe80::8a3:9dff:fed5:6b19 fe80::8a3:9dff:fed5:6b19 22 […]slide 46:
8. tcpaccept # tcpaccept PID COMM IP RADDR LADDR LPORT sshd 4 redis-server 4 redis-server 4 redis-server 4 redis-server 4 sshd 6 ::1 ::1 redis-server 4 redis-server 4 sshd 6 fe80::8a3:9dff:fed5:6b19 fe80::8a3:9dff:fed5:6b19 22 redis-server 4 […]slide 47:
9. tcpretrans # tcpretrans TIME PID 01:55:05 0 01:55:05 0 01:55:17 0 […] IP LADDR:LPORT 4 4 4 T>gt; RADDR:RPORT R>gt; R>gt; R>gt; STATE ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHEDslide 48:
10. gethostlatency # gethostlatency TIME PID COMM 06:10:24 28011 wget 06:10:28 28127 wget 06:10:41 28404 wget 06:10:48 28544 curl 06:11:10 29054 curl 06:11:16 29195 curl 06:11:24 25313 wget 06:11:25 29404 curl 06:11:28 29475 curl […] LATms HOST 90.00 0.00 9.00 35.00 31.00 3.00 3.00 72.00 foo 1.00 fooslide 49:
11. runqlat # runqlat -m 5 Tracing run queue latency... Hit Ctrl-C to end. msecs 0 ->gt; 1 2 ->gt; 3 4 ->gt; 7 8 ->gt; 15 16 ->gt; 31 32 ->gt; 63 […] : count : 3818 : 39 : 39 : 62 : 2214 : 226 distribution |****************************************| |*********************** |**slide 50:
12. profile # profile Sampling at 49 Hertz of all threads by user + kernel stack... Hit Ctrl-C to end. […] ffffffff813d0af8 __clear_user ffffffff813d5277 iov_iter_zero ffffffff814ec5f2 read_iter_zero ffffffff8120be9d __vfs_read ffffffff8120c385 vfs_read ffffffff8120d786 sys_read ffffffff817cc076 entry_SYSCALL_64_fastpath 00007fc5652ad9b0 read dd (25036) […]slide 51:
Other bcc Tracing Tools • Single-purpose – bitesize – capabile – memleak – ext4dist (btrfs, …) • Mul>gt; tools – funccount – argdist – trace – stackcount hUps:// 52:
trace • Trace custom events. Ad hoc analysis: # trace 'sys_read (arg3 >gt; 20000) "read %d bytes", arg3' TIME PID COMM FUNC 05:18:23 4490 sys_read read 1048576 bytes 05:18:23 4490 sys_read read 1048576 bytes 05:18:23 4490 sys_read read 1048576 bytes 05:18:23 4490 sys_read read 1048576 bytes by Sasha Goldshteinslide 53:
trace One-Liners trace –K blk_account_io_start Trace this kernel function, and print info with a kernel stack trace trace 'do_sys_open "%s", arg2' Trace the open syscall and print the filename being opened trace 'sys_read (arg3 >gt; 20000) "read %d bytes", arg3' Trace the read syscall and print a message for reads >gt;20000 bytes trace r::do_sys_return Trace the return from the open syscall trace 'c:open (arg2 == 42) "%s %d", arg1, arg2' Trace the open() call from libc only if the flags (arg2) argument is 42 trace 'p:c:write (arg1 == 1) "writing %d bytes to STDOUT", arg3' Trace the write() call from libc to monitor writes to STDOUT trace 'r:c:malloc (retval) "allocated = %p", retval Trace returns from malloc and print non-NULL allocated buffers trace 't:block:block_rq_complete "sectors=%d", args->gt;nr_sector' Trace the block_rq_complete kernel tracepoint and print # of tx sectors trace 'u:pthread:pthread_create (arg4 != 0)' Trace the USDT probe pthread_create when its 4th argument is non-zero from: trace -hslide 54:
argdist # argdist -H 'p::tcp_cleanup_rbuf(struct sock *sk, int copied):int:copied' [15:34:45] copied : count distribution 0 ->gt; 1 : 15088 |********************************** 2 ->gt; 3 : 0 4 ->gt; 7 : 0 8 ->gt; 15 : 0 16 ->gt; 31 : 0 32 ->gt; 63 : 0 64 ->gt; 127 : 4786 |*********** 128 ->gt; 255 : 1 256 ->gt; 511 : 1 512 ->gt; 1023 : 4 1024 ->gt; 2047 : 11 2048 ->gt; 4095 : 5 4096 ->gt; 8191 : 27 8192 ->gt; 16383 : 105 16384 ->gt; 32767 : 0 32768 ->gt; 65535 : 10086 |*********************** 65536 ->gt; 131071 : 60 131072 ->gt; 262143 : 17285 |****************************************| [...] by Sasha Goldshteinslide 55:
argdist One-Liners argdist -H 'p::__kmalloc(u64 size):u64:size' Print a histogram of allocation sizes passed to kmalloc argdist -p 1005 -C 'p:c:malloc(size_t size):size_t:size:size==16' Print a frequency count of how many times process 1005 called malloc for 16 bytes argdist -C 'r:c:gets():char*:$retval#snooped strings' Snoop on all strings returned by gets() argdist -H 'r::__kmalloc(size_t size):u64:$latency/$entry(size)#ns per byte' Print a histogram of nanoseconds per byte from kmalloc allocations argdist -C 'p::__kmalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags):size_t:size:flags&GFP_ATOMIC' Print frequency count of kmalloc allocation sizes that have GFP_ATOMIC argdist -p 1005 -C 'p:c:write(int fd):int:fd' -T 5 Print frequency counts of how many times writes were issued to a particular file descriptor number, in process 1005, but only show the top 5 busiest fds argdist -p 1005 -H 'r:c:read()' Print a histogram of error codes returned by read() in process 1005 argdist -C 'r::__vfs_read():u32:$PID:$latency >gt; 100000' Print frequency of reads by process where the latency was >gt;0.1ms from: argdist -hslide 56:
Coming to a GUI near you BCC/BPF VISUALIZATIONSslide 57:
Latency Heatmapsslide 58:
CPU + Off-CPU Flame Graphs • Can now be BPF op>gt;mized hUp:// 59:
Off-Wake Flame Graphs • Shows blocking stack with waker stack – BeUer understand why blocked – Merged in-kernel using BPF – Include mul>gt;ple waker stacks == chain graphs • We couldn't do this beforeslide 60:
Overview for tool developers HOW TO PROGRAM BCC/BPFslide 61:
Linux Event Sources BPF output Linux 4.4 Linux 4.7 BPF stacks Linux 4.6 Linux 4.3 Linux 4.1 (version feature arrived) Linux 4.9 Linux 4.9slide 62:
Methodology • Find/draw a func>gt;onal diagram – Eg, storage I/O subsystem: • Apply performance methods hUp:// 1. Workload Characteriza>gt;on 2. Latency Analysis 3. USE Method • Start with the Q's, then find the A'sslide 63: Output # ./ Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end. kbytes : count 0 ->gt; 1 : 3 2 ->gt; 3 : 0 4 ->gt; 7 : 211 8 ->gt; 15 : 0 16 ->gt; 31 : 0 32 ->gt; 63 : 0 64 ->gt; 127 : 1 128 ->gt; 255 : 800 distribution |********** |**************************************|slide 64: Code bcc examples/tracing/bitehist.pyslide 65: Internals User-Level Kernel C BPF Program compile BPF Bytecode Event BPF.aUach_kprobe() Verifier BPF Bytecode error Sta>gt;s>gt;cs Python Program print async read Mapslide 66: Annotated Map C BPF Program Python Program Event "kprobe__" is a shortcut for BPF.aUach_kprobe() Sta>gt;s>gt;cs bcc examples/tracing/bitehist.pyslide 67:
Current Complica>gt;ons Ini>gt;alize all variables Extra bpf_probe_read()s BPF_PERF_OUTPUT() Verifier errorsslide 68:
bcc Tutorials 1. hUps:// 2. …/docs/ 3. …/docs/ 4. …/docs/ 5. .../CONTRIBUTING-SCRIPTS.mdslide 69:
bcc lua bcc examples/lua/strlen_count.luaslide 70:
Summary Future Work • More tooling • Bug fixes • BeUer errors • Visualiza>gt;ons • GUIs • High-level language BPF Tracing in Linux • 3.19: sockets • 3.19: maps • 4.1: kprobes • 4.3: uprobes • 4.4: BPF output • 4.6: stacks • 4.7: tracepoints • 4.9: profiling • 4.9: PMCs hUps:// 71:
Links & References iovisor bcc: • hUps:// hUps:// • hUp:// (search for "bcc") • hUp:// • I'll change your view of Linux tracing: hUps:// • On designing tracing tools: hUps:// BPF: • hUps://>gt;on/networking/filter.txt • hUps:// • hUps:// Flame Graphs: • hUp:// • hUp:// • hUp:// Dynamic Instrumenta>gt;on: • hUp:// • hUps:// • DTrace: Dynamic Tracing in Oracle Solaris, Mac OS X and FreeBSD, Brendan Gregg, Jim Mauro; Pren>gt;ce Hall 2011 Neelix Tech Blog on Vector: • hUp:// Linux Performance: hUp:// 72:
Thanks Ques>gt;ons? iovisor bcc: hUps:// hUp:// hUp:// @brendangregg Thanks to Alexei Starovoitov (Facebook), Brenden Blanco (PLUMgrid/VMware), Sasha Goldshtein (Sela), Daniel Borkmann (Cisco), Wang Nan (Huawei), and other BPF and bcc contributors!