Systems Performance 2nd Ed.

BPF Performance Tools book

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Solaris Performance and Tools

08 Aug 2006

I originally posted this at

The Solaris Internals 2nd Edition and Solaris Performance and Tools books are now available to purchase, and copies have now began arriving around the World. They are both incredible, covering an enormous range of topics with details not found anywhere else.

During my years working in the field of performance, I've taught numerous performance classes for Sun Microsystems where I gained both the experience and understanding of how to best teach performance. I have also written numerous open source programs for performance monitoring, such as tools in the DTraceToolkit and the K9Toolkit. It was a privilege to share the best of my performance knowledge and teaching experience by co-authoring Solaris Performance and Tools with Richard and Jim. We were fortunate to have many other subject matter experts also contribute to this book, including Mike Shapiro and Jon Haslam.

For Solaris Performance and Tools, it is exciting to see a book that covers both DTrace and mdb in detail, with practical examples. And Solaris Internals 2nd Edition is fascinating for understanding the kernel, with the numerous Solaris 10 enhancements. I hope people enjoy them both.